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Anakku Baby Bath (750ml) / Baby Shampoo (750ml) | Sabun Mandian Bayi / Syampu Bayi

Product Sku : Anakku Baby Bath / Baby Shampoo 750ml

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Anakku Baby Bath (750ml) Sabun Mandian Bayi


BABY BATH - [PH-Neutral - Mild & Gentle]

[Aloe Vera Gel & Vitamin E - Nourish, Moisturizing, Smoothing and Refreshing Feel]

 BABY SHAMPOO - [PH-Neutral - Mild & Gentle]

[Aloe Vera & ProVitamin B5 - Nourish, Condition Baby's Hair]


-Anakku's Baby Bath is mild, gentle and pH-neutral. Specially formulated with aloe vera and Vitamin E to cleanse, nourish, moisturize and smooth your baby's delicate skin. This baby bath is rich in lather and suitable for your whole family.

-Anakku Baby Bath Extra Mild adalah sabun mandi yang ringan, lembut dan dengan pH netral. Diformulasikan khusus mengandung aloe vera dan vitamin E untuk membersihkan, memelihara kelembaban dan menenangkan kulit halus bayi Anda. Sabun ini kaya akan busa dan cocok untuk seluruh keluarga Anda.



-Specially formulated with Aloe Vera and Vitamin B5 to cleanse, nourish and condition your baby’s delicate hair.

-This shampoo contains a mild “no tears” formula.

-Anakku Extra Mild Shampoo is rich in lather.

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